Weekly Indie Log #38

Weekly Indie Log #38

Topics: Revenue Update, Shortcuts, HabitKit Blog

Check out my apps: HabitKit, Liftbear and WinDiary

Revenue Update

As usual, at the start of the week I compared the key metrics of my app business with last week's numbers. The MRR growth has been really great so far: In just one week it raised from $7,107 to $7,259. That's a plus of $150 and I am happy to report that it still kept rising for the rest of the week. I am excited for the end of month when I can compare the numbers of the whole month. Keep an eye out for the next weekly indie log, it will probably include this topic.

I'm still pretty sure that most of it comes from the pricing experiment that I'm currently running, because its' result is pretty good right now and I didn't experience any changes in impressions/downloads on the App Store or Google Play. The MRR growth compared to the control group is at +110%, so I guess it's safe to say that the experiment has been a big success and I will change my default offering to the tested pricing set. I will definitely run more experiments, it seems like a worthwhile activity for my app business.

HabitKit 1.8.1 Shortcuts + Automations

This week I finally released version 1.8.1 of my habit tracking app HabitKit. It includes a couple of important bugfixes concerning the home screen widgets on both iOS and Android. But the most interesting addition of this update is definitely the Shortcuts and Automations support on iOS.

I had to write some native code again and create two Shortcut actions that users can include in their Automations: You can now choose between the "Mark Habit As Completed" or the "Mark Habit As Uncompleted" actions when setting up something in the Shortcuts app. I use it to couple HabitKit with my Apple Watch workouts. Every time I end a workout of type "Running" or "Weightlifting" it checks off my habit for "Sport" in HabitKit. I also did this for the workout type "Walk" and my "Daily Walking" habit. Now I will never forget to check off these habits again.


Setting this up was pretty easy and not much effort. I could reuse a lot of code I wrote for the interactive home screen widgets, because the button basically does the same thing (checking off habits or removing completions again). So, even as a Flutter developer, it's super easy to add Shortcuts support to your app with the help of the great home_widget documentation and some educational WWDC videos about AppShortcuts.

HabitKit Blog

I also continued working on the HabitKit landing page this week. I added some animations when you hover the mouse over the app screenshots on the start page or the download buttons. I am just trying to make the page better bit by bit. That's definitely the best working approach for me when it comes to design. Start with something crappy, release it and then slowly make it slightly better every day.


I also started working on a blog section for the landing page. This has been an item on my backlog for a very long time. I hope to educate users with it and even boost my SEO ranking. I'll focus on three different content types: Guides / Tutorials explaining important features, Inspirational Content / Success Stories how people changed their lives through the power of habit tracking and some SEO-filler content to boost my ranking on Google.

The first three articles will be: "Supercharge Your Habit Tracking with HabitKit and iOS Shortcuts" (educating users how the utilize the new Shortcuts support), "From Couch to Marathon: How a Simple Habit Tracker Transformed My Fitness Journey" (explaining my story how I managed to run a Marathon) and "How to Setup iOS Home Screen Widgets with HabitKit" (explaining how to setup home screen widgets for HabitKit on iOS).


This week I made the decision to cancel my ChatGPT Plus plan and switch to another provider. The results I'm getting from ChatGPT 4o recently hasn't been satisfying at all and I feel like it's memory gets shorter and shorter every day. Many people on X confirmed my suspicion with their stories about weird language-switching issues and inconsistent performance.


The next platform that I will try is claude.ai: People seem to really like it and often say that it's delivering better results than ChatGPT. Can't wait to try out their models (I only heard good things about Claude 3.5 Sonnet) and I will let them help me write the blog articles for the HabitKit blog section.

That's it for this week, see you in the next one 👋

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